
Pandora's Box

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Title of the Essay, Author, and Date

Pandora’s Box: The Ethics of Self-Guided Weaponry by David Stockdale (January 23, 2015)


Title of the Reflection

A n Artifact in Greek Mythology


First Impression

A n essay about how the Pandora box can become a self guided weapon



M orality is a construct. It does not exist outside of our understanding of it.


Reflection Paper

Technology evolves rapidly, each countries take an advantages to enhance their weaponry strengthened the forces. Passing the moments they develop new experiment and new trend that can be destroy in one attack.


Why the U.S Government and Strong Countries like China, Russia, Iraq, Syria, etc… are made a weapon that can be eradicate? Because of Money they can sell it to another country to sustain their power and financially. Furthermore, because of they can be threated if they had a powerful weapon that can be eliminate one nation in just simple attack become ground zero.


Missile defense systemsare a type ofmissile defense intended to shield a country against incomingmissiles, such as intercontinental ballisticmissile(ICBMs) or other ballisticmissiles. The United States, Russia, France, India and Israel have all developedmissile defense systems. An intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) is aballistic missile with a minimum range and primarily designed for nuclear weapons delivery (delivering one or more nuclear warheads).


Any kind of armed or weapon are typically controlled by remote human pilot or artificially intelligent software. Pilot deciding what target and certain cases whom to kill by a software will have the ability to make such decisions without human aid. The using missiles in practice range is too dangerous not in the civilian but also to the pilot. How? If the pilot lack to engage, then, the missile is unlock the result is exploded right on the aircraft. The computer follow logic or algorithm to input a command or in lack the target: duration, time and date, hence, computer can be a reckless and unruly if the systems ruined by the white hat to unlock the target.  


5 Things That I've learned from the article:


  1. Critics argue that it will become increasingly difficult for humans to control artificially intelligent software.
  2. A solid case can be made for the necessity of someone, some human, behind the wheel.
  3. Britain’s ‘fire and forget’ Brimstone missiles have the ability to distinguish tanks from cars and buses without the aid of humans.
  4. AI, in its current form, operates by systems and rules dictated by humans.
  5. The responsibility belongs to the human men and women designing and programming these weapons, and the key to all of this is how the computers are designed to make decisions.


5 Integrative Questions


  1. Where are we going rather than humans deciding what to target, and in certain cases whom to kill, the software will have the ability to make such decisions without the aid of humans? 
  2. Why what was the reason critics argue that it will become increasingly difficult for humans to control artificially intelligent software?  
  3. What are the concerns that have been raised that the ease with which we opt for war as an option will definitively increase, once the protocol becomes as simple as activating a set of computers?
  4. Why can’t our regulations keep up with the rapid increase of technological advancement? 
  5. Why are these anxiety caused by the stigma associated with artificial intelligence, or are they legitimate concerns?




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